5 Things Interior Design Companies Won’t Tell You

Clientele matters!

Choosing an interior designer for your home or office needs can be a tough ask, especially with the way the market is presently blooming. There is so much at stake both in terms of manpower and money. The choice becomes all the more difficult with so many interior design companies in Delhi setting shop every other day. We at ANSA interiors take pride in giving you a transparent and holistic experience so that you can design your interiors with joy and creativity.

Below are some of the key facts that interior design companies in Delhi may hide and in the process, ruin the entire experience for you. We take every measure to turn these negatives into positives for you. Read on to know more.

  • interior design companies1. Timelines For Project Completion

A common squabble that customers have is with regards to the unrealistic timelines. In most practical situations, the actual time to completion for a project is almost twice of the initial timeline stated by interior designers. 

At ANSA, we take every step to ensure that our customers are given accurate timelines, and the projects are delivered accordingly. This will save you all the stress and hassle that comes with working on very tight schedules.

  • 2. Money Matters

In this day and age of spiralling expenses of living, we do understand that our customers work on a budget which needs to be adhered to. With most of the interior design companies in Delhi, you will be given a cost estimate that either lacks clarity, or is on the lower side of the spectrum as compared to what the project would cost you eventually.

We make every endeavour to maintain transparency with our clients so that they know the precise costs that would be incurred. Accordingly, elements may be added or subtracted to fit the budget.


  • 3. Technology Rules

Technology has made rapid strides and revolutionised the way we work today. All businesses have evolved to keep up with technology and we at ANSA are no different. However, some old-school designers who love to go by the book are reluctant to incorporate technology into the scheme of things.

We love to change all of that, and more, for our customers. Ideas on how the tech gadgets can help cut down costs is something we truly emphasize on. For example, having electric geysers in a smart home set-up can cut down electricity costs significantly in the longer run.

  • 4. The Marked-up Purchases

Any interior design project entails extensive detailing and accessorizing, which in turn calls for many purchases here and there. Interior design companies in Delhi might take the lead when it comes to making these purchases, and share exaggerated prices with the customer (after including their margins of course).

ANSA gives its customers complete flexibility when it comes to that. All efforts are made to come up with an arrangement where the customer clearly knows the actual pricing of various design elements, with no mark-ups whatsoever.

  • 5. 3-D Design Views

Too often customers feel cheated when the designers do not share 3-D design views with them. The client is kept in the dark and has literally no idea what the end result would look like. Then there are some design companies which provide unrealistic 3-D views too. Here the deliverables are way different than what was initially committed to the client.

Do not want all that stress? Then ANSA is the choice you need to make. ‘What you see is what you get’ is the adage that we follow, and this helps us maintain perfect harmony when it comes to our client commitments and the final deliverables.

Get your money’s worth and enjoy a hassle free interior design journey with ANSA today!