Rustic Interior Design in Delhi

rustic interior design

In this post, we discuss the design philosophy and details of the rustic interior design we did for a client in Gujranwala town of Delhi.

When a home owner determines or decides to change the interiors of his home, there are many styles or designs to choose from. From contemporary to neo-modern, classical, retro and the hip in rustic. Rustic interior design is becoming quite popular today suited to people who appreciate hand made products, accessories and priceless traces of time. Rustic designs somehow create a unique and distinct atmosphere and ambience within the house.

This house, we designed in Gujranwala town of Delhi, specially has a blend of rustic and countryside style design. The interiors are warm, inviting and yet very close to nature. It is a blend of high quality pieces of furniture and shows the client’s taste to appreciate the traditional values. The home is a typical blend of functionality and quality but being as close to nature as possible.

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rustic interior designRustic style does not mandatorily mean less comfortable but definitely means an elegant lifestyle. This house primarily ranges between the primitive country home decor, French country cottage designs and rustic country home decor.

The aesthetics chosen here are unpretentious, elegant, extremely charming but bottom lines remains the same in all the rooms. The common tight thread, organic and yet close to nature.

Though the home may seem rough on the outer side but still it has all the contemporary comforts and modern gadgets that promise to make life comfortable.

Rustic Interior Design Details For This Project by Ansa Interiors

rustic interior designing in delhiThe Daughter’s Room on the ground floor has a worn and torn appearance of the country style decorating. The look is somehow classical and ageless but still has an exotic appeal. The wardrobe and the backdrop has a distressed look by using material like wood which has rotten but still refurnished to make back paneling.

The leather paneling on the back with a hint of cove lights add the required modern touch to it. Bed is made in linen but still maintains a very comfortable feel. The bathroom is a typical blend of contemporary and rustic furniture mix well with all the ingredients mixed in right proportion to achieve a style in itself. A yellow chester and the hanging lamp add the required flash of colours while the girl wearing specs makes a perfect look at me feel while adding the spice to it.

rustic bathroom design delhiThe Lobby is designed in a balanced way to create a chic family room which brings in both the contemporary and rustic style with quite sensibility. As a teenager if you have been to a mountain cabin or to a farmhouse. the unforgettable memories from the old trips  will get the natural freshness with a sense of nostalgia.

Master Bed Room is created with an appreciation of French interiors with a tint of rustic added to it. It definitely has a romantic and vintage charm to it. The room is designed that it will never need to be changed. It somehow carries the priceless traces of time and will eternally lift to look the same however old it may get.

The first floor Daughter’s room is designed for the traveller heart. It just reflects the character of the sweet girl who loves to travel the world since she travelled so much there was no typical style where she could settle down, so we created something so obvious for her. The old style suitcases stacked one above the another made the side tables. While the backdrop was kept in a plaster wall, symbolic to the fact that there is some more to come. The room just has a zeal of living life colourfully and with simplicity.

Converting a small back yard balcony into the room, the idea was to have a small entertainment area turns to form a part of drawing room when hosting a party for large people, the warm lights, a cascade with falling plants from the terrace makes you feel like you were sitting in a garden close to the nature while still having Jacob Creek served for that night drink.

rustic interior decor in delhiThe Dining Room is what we call in hindi a ‘Jugad’. The dining table is a wooden log cut into pieces and edges furnished by the cement while the crockery is made on iron garders with two drawers added on to give a chester feel. It just adds the required character to such a formal sitting. Dining table also becomes the point of discussion or the point of talk  at dinner time. The art piece above the console is the village window shhutter cut into four parts and hung to make a wall art.

The Bar-be-cue in the open terrace with a open sitting made, carved out of stone and wood drums  cut into half to make the table and just dug out to make this is just like a do it yourself project, come and cook yourself. It is designed to make the guests feel at home and they can be a part of cooking while holding on to their drinks.

luxury interior designers in delhiOverlooking the dining area is a formal drawing room which is divided into two parts, the bar area and the formal sitting. The bar area typically boosts of tacking a lot of beer bottles with the barrel converted into a storage and thereby also joining exterior window to the building. While the used and empty beer bottles are fixed in the wall with rocks and cement to add the character.

The naughty pine partition with CNC cutting divides the formal area to the bar ara with creepers of wood growing on the back side of sofa, it just boosts up being as close to nature as the other rooms.

Spa– As you enter the spa , the smell, the aroma, the dim light and the inviting massage table and the jacuzzi filled with warm water. It is simply heaven on earth. The Mughal era window forms a little”Jarokha” to the outside world and it definitely makes you feel like belonging to the royal families and being pampered to the best of luxuries.

luxury interiors with rustic interior designThe parents washroom is made in Italian stone but the raw wood mirror frame and the vanity below with typical charactered lights are sure to get a wow from anybody who is entering to it.

rustic interior designers in delhiSo if you have something rusted a Jharokha which your granny used to peeping, the old chairs that have been lying in your stores for a while or just a old fashioned cabinet with antique hardware, it is time to give it a new look and add a little bit of pivital point to it and they are become your main furniture pieces.

This article was first published in the ifj magazine in 2016 issue.